Greenwich Local Offer
Local Authority
Mix of programmes including schools support, information and resources for SEN 0 up to adult (25)

Royal Greenwich SEND Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIASS)
Local Authority
IASS provides support, advice and information for parents and carers of children and young people who are disabled, may have SEN or have already been identified with SEN. It also provides support if your child is excluded from school.

Greenwich Community Learning Disability Team
The Greenwich Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) provides care and support to adults with learning disabilities whose needs cannot be met by universal services. We also support those people who care for adults using the service.
oxl-tr.cldtteamsupport@nhs.net oxleas.nhs.uk/services/service/community-adult-learning-disability-team-greenwich-110

Greenwich Carers Centre
Support for carers including young carers, care act advice, financial advice etc.

Greenwich Downs Group
Free support group for families led by parents of children with Down's Syndrome. Informal group meetings, newsletter, fun days, fundraisers and other social events. Training and education days run for parents, teachers and professionals
membership.gdg@gmail.com www.facebook.com/groups/greenwicgdg

The Javan Coker Foundation
An award winning UK registered charity that empower children and young people with disabilities/special needs and their families/support network.
info@thejavancokerfoundation.org www.thejavancokerfoundation.org

Greenwich Adult Social Care Team
Local Authority
Deals with safeguarding concerns and statutory care needs for adults
aops.contact.officers@royalgreenwich.gov.uk www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200270/adult_care_and_health

Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Support for older residents, befriending, generalist advice and activities, can work with anyone 18+