The Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE)
(SHINE) is a fuel poverty referral network and free energy advice service for Londoners. SHINE London offers a dedicated helpline and affordable warmth interventions.
Suited and Booted
Interview preparation, mentoring and clothing for men in London with confirmed job interviews. Residents must be referred, form available on website.
Smart Works
Interview preparation, mentoring and clothing for men in London with confirmed job interviews. Residents must be referred, form available on website.
Community Fridge
A Community Fridge can be accessed by anyone and everyone who wants to share food, volunteer or get involved with other food, environment or related activities the group have to offer. Locations available on website.
FoodCycle runs Community Meals and Cook and Collect services in towns and cities across the country, where volunteers turn surplus food into wholesome, nutritious meals. Anyone, from any walk of life, is welcome, no questions asked. Locations available on website.
Redistribute food destined for wastage to projects in need (hostels/community centre etc.) has list of partner organisations providing food
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme
BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances. The programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing.
Health Start (NHS)
Help to buy milk and food if at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4 years old. Apply on website.
British Gas Energy Trust
Independent charitable trust, set up to support families and individuals facing financial hardship and energy debt across England, Wales and Scotland. Grants available.
Energy Saving Trust
Tips on how to save money on energy bills.
Citizen's Advice - Fuel/Energy
Information on grants and benefits to reduce fuel costs.
National Energy Action
Information and advice on fuel poverty, has webchat advice.
Thames Water - Financial Support
Information, advice and assessment if struggling to pay water bills, links to support schemes including WaterHelp and WaterSure
End Furniture Poverty
Searchable directory, enter the borough to see if there is local welfare assistance available.